HomeInsightsSoftware EngineeringMeet Obi Madubuko, A Backend Developer from InternPulse Cohort 3

Meet Obi Madubuko, A Backend Developer from InternPulse Cohort 3

Hi everyone, and welcome back to InternPulse! Today, we’re excited to have Obi Madubuko, a Backend Developer from InternPulse Cohort 3! join us for an insightful conversation.

Obi Madubuko has a unique path to software development, and we can’t wait to learn more about his journey and experiences.

Obi, welcome aboard! To kick things off, can you tell us:

1. What initially drew you to software development?

I was drawn to software development many years ago, while I was still in high school, because it gave me the power to craft whatever I wanted and see it work.

This is largely true for me even to this day.

Software development allows me to bring ideas I’ve conceived to life, especially on the web, and that’s why I love it so much.

2. Can you describe a recent coding challenge you overcame and what you learned from it?

Yes. Recently, I’ve been obsessed with the problem of writing extremely testable code.

I wanted to be able to define behaviors for the different expected functionalities in my software, have those behaviors implemented, and be able to swap out those implementations as I wish.

This, of course, is what the Dependency Injection (DI) pattern in software development is meant for, so I went ahead and learnt it!

Building with the DI pattern in Golang was a core part of the authentication microservice I built for the FamTrust FinTech Web app during my time at InternPulse.

3. In your opinion, what are the most important qualities for a successful software developer?

I would say those are a solid understanding of software development basics (because what could we do without the basics?), resilience, adaptability, problem-solving skills, and excellent communication skills.

With these (and a couple more, lol), one is highly likely to succeed in the field of software development.

4. What are you most excited about in the future of software development?

Well, being a DevOps engineer at heart, I’m pretty excited about how the barriers to getting software from development to production are rapidly disappearing.

Thanks to the strides we’re making in the infrastructure parts of the ecosystem, it’s never been easier to get software from local to production.

That’s pretty exciting to me, and I hope we only go onward and upward from here!

Thank you for joining us for this insightful interview with Obi Madubuko!

We learned a lot about his journey into software development and the challenges and rewards of being a Backend Developer Intern.

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